Prof. dr Irena Orović

Publications Personal page


First name: Irena 
Last name: Orovic 
Birth date: February 21, 1983. 
Citizenship: Montenegro


Compressive sensing
Optimization procedures
Signal reconstruction algorithms
Time-frequency analysis
Radar signals
Signal processing for biomedical applications
Multimedia systems 
Digital signal processing 
Digital Electronics Devices 







Short stays (mainly one month stays):



Irena Orovic was born in Montenegro, in 1983. She received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, in 2005, 2006, and 2010, respectively. From 2005 to 2010, she was a Teaching Assistant with the University of Montenegro, and from 2010-2015 the Assistant Professor. From 2015, she has been the Associate Professor with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro. She finished her Diploma project in ENSIETA Brest, France with the highest mark (10). The average mark during the basic studies was 9.85 (out of 10), and 10 on the M.Sc. and PhD studies. 

She received the following awards:

Dr. Orović has spent a period of time in ENSIETA Brest, France during 2005 and 2006. In 2007 she spent one month at the University Bonn-Rhien Sieg in Bonn, Germany. During 2008 and 2009 she stayed several times at INPG Grenoble, France (2008. and 2009.), and during 2010 and 2011 within the Villanova University, USA. Prof. Dr. Irena Orović has published more than 130 papers in the leading scientific papers and among them around 60 in eminent scientific journals (web of science, SCI/SCIE). As a co-author she has published 5 books in Montenegrin language, and two books in English published by Springer ("Multimedia signals and systems" in 2012, "Multimedia Signals and Systems: Basic and Advanced Algorithms for Signal Processing"). She also published a chapter in international scientific monograph “Time-Frequency Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signals Based on Compressive Sensing," Compressive Sensing for Urban Radar, CRC-Press, 2014”, and a chapter in encyclopaedia: „Sparse Signal Reconstruction“ in Encyclopaedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Wiley 2017.

She serves as a reviewer in various signal and image processing scientific journal such as IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IET Signal Processing, IET Image Processing, Electronics Letters, EURASIP JASP, Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia Tools and Applications, etc.

In the period 2011-2015, she was a member and Vice President of the Council for Scientific Activities on Montenegro. 
Her research interests include compressive sensing, multimedia signals and systems, digital watermarking for protection of multimedia data, time-frequency analysis – theoretical contributions, applications of the time-frequency analysis in multimedia systems, biomedicine, radar data analysis, etc.

Currently, she is Vice-Rector for Science and Research at the University of Montenegro. Also, she is the President of the Scientific Board.



Irena Orović je rođena 21.02.1983.god. u Podgorici. Završila je studije na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici 2005 godine. Diplomirala je sa ocjenom 10 u Julu 2005. godine u Brestu, Francuska, gdje je boravila po osnovu bilateralne saradnje između Univerziteta Crne Gore i ENSIETA-e Brest. Od 2005-2010 godine bila je saradnik u nastavi na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu, zatim od 2010-2015 docent na Univerzitetu Crne Gore, a od 2015 je vanredni profesor. 

Postdiplomske studije je upisala u septembru 2005. godine na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu (odsjek Elektronika, telekomunikacije i računari, smjer Računari).

Magistarsku tezu „Primjena vremensko-frekvencijske analize na watermarking govornih signala“ odbranila je sa ocjenom 10 u Decembru 2006. godine.

Doktorsku disertaciju: “Vremensko-frekvencijske distribucije i neki aspekti primjene” odbranila je 19.02.2010. godine.

Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja, među kojima treba istaknuti:

Boravci na inostranim naučnim institucijama: Dr. Orović je boravila na instituciji ENSIETA iz Bresta, Francuska (2005 i 2006.), University Bonn-Rhien-Sieg iz Bona, Njemačka (2007), Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, Francuska (2008. i 2009.), Villanova University, Philadelphia USA (2010, 2011, 2012).

Prof. dr Irena Orović je do sada objavila oko 130 naučnih radova od čega oko 60 u vodećim svjetskim časopisima (časopisi sa SCI/SCIE liste sa impact faktorom), kao i veći broj radova u drugim međunarodnim časopisima i na konferencijama.

Objavila je kao koautor 5 udžbenika na našem jeziku. Od knjiga i monografija inostranih izdavača objavila je dvije knjige: “Multimedia Signals and Systems”, Springer 2012 na engleskom jeziku publikovanu od strane svjetskog izdavača Springer-a, kao i „Multimedia Signals and Systems: Basic and Advanced Algorithms for Signal Processing“, zatim poglavlje u medjunarodnoj monografiji “Time-Frequency Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signals Based on Compressive Sensing," Compressive Sensing for Urban Radar, CRC-Press, 2014”, poglavlje u enciklopediji: „Sparse Signal Reconstruction“ in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Wiley 2017.

Recenzent je u mnogobrojnim časopisima, medju kojima je više njih iz IEEE i IEE izdanja.

Bila je rukovodilac Računarskog centra na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu, i šef studijskog programa Elektronika, telekomunikacije, računari.

U periodu od 2011-2015 godina dr Irena Orović je bila potpredsjednik i član Savjeta za naučno-istraživačku djelatnost u Crnoj Gori (Ministarstvo nauke Crne Gore).

Od decembra 2017 godine obavlja funkciju Prorektora za nauku i istraživanje.

Predsjednik je Naučnog odbora Univerziteta Crne Gore.